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Old White Kramer
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Author:  Chris Pile [ Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Old White Kramer

Picked up another job yesterday. They handed me a square case with "an old Kramer" within, and a box containing a neck. "Guy says you changed necks on this back in the 80's, and he wants the old one back on it". Grabbed a set of Ernie Ball Slinky's on the way out, and headed home.

Opened the case, and indeed - an old white Kramer Pacer with a Chandler neck - reverse Jackson peghead, Kahler locking nut, and rosewood board. In the box - the original all maple Pacer neck - Floyd Rose nut still attached. And in the case a handwritten note.... "You put this Chandler neck on for me years ago, and are the only guy who ever worked on my guitar. Please put the stock neck back on and set it up like you used to. - Matt".

Unbolted the Chandler neck, and there it was - a strip of sanding screen and the fat end of a Fender medium, my old modus operandi. Pulled them out, and screwed on the Pacer neck. Strung up the Floyd (anyone remember the "string through" Floyd Rose whammies? You didn't have to cut the ball end off), tuned it up to pitch, checked my string heights.... perfectamundo.

Eyeballed it a little closer... the stock pickups were long gone. I had put in some now-ancient black Schecter Super Rocks, screwed into the body with no adjustment. The rings were just for show. Popped the whammy cover on the back... under the springs was a slice of foam from an old DiMarzio pickup container, now crumbling. I ditched it and cut a new slice from a Duncan container.

Checked my intonation - tweaked the A and the B, good to go. To the bottom of the note I added, "Ready to fly again, Matt. Enjoy with no charge. - Chris".

Dropped it off at the store about an hour ago.

Author:  truckjohn [ Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old White Kramer

That's pretty cool. Really a great way to take care of a fellow.

Author:  FL6 [ Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old White Kramer

Why no charge? Because it was a fast repair? Were the stock pickups dead?

Author:  Chris Pile [ Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old White Kramer

Why no charge? Because it was a fast repair? Were the stock pickups dead?

For old times sake.

If I remember correctly, the stock pickups used to be those Schaller / Shadow humbuckers. Nothing to write home about. The Schecter Super Rocks were screamers.

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